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New White Paper: Using Capture Ratio to Evaluate Hedged Equity strategies

March 18, 2021

We have published a new white paper about Best Practice techniques to utilize when evaluating Hedged Equity Managers. The paper goes hand in hand with the Webinar we hosted on Monday, March 15th on the same topic. 

If you want to watch the recording of the webinar, just register and you can watch from this link:  Register and Watch Webinar!

You can also just download the WhitePaper from this Link: DOWNLOAD

The Hedged Equity space offers the promise of Capital Appreciation and Downside protection in one balanced portfolio. It is a very appealing promise - but the results delivered across the managers in this space has been mixed at best.

This white paper and the webinar both address the best practice techniques to evaluate the managers in this space, including: understanding Capture Ratio, Downside Scenario analysis, and the best 5 questions to ask every Hedged Equity manager.

As always, if you want to learn more about how we tackle this challenge at Alpha DNA, feel free to reach out and call us (443-288-6444), or email us (, or simply click this link and set up a call with us:  Calendly



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